Webhook usage
How does the webhook work?
Webhook flow |
Step 1: endpoint
Some endpoint use the webhook concept, especially endpoint that have a duration longer than 500ms. For example the endpoint: /backup/owner
Step 2: flow
Post to the endpoint
supply a return webhook_url, this URL must be public accessible
URL must start with HTTPSAfter the long process is ready
The webhook_url will be called from the Autoflex10 server with a get
An id=<secret uuid> will be added to your supplied webhook_urlDo a GET on the /webhook endpoint, to get the payload information e.g. an URL to a download file
supply the <secret uuid> you got from the webhook call
This endpoint will return the payload, mostly an URLGet the provided payload URL, in case of an file url, download the file with a GET on the URL.
Sample code
Below sample code in a single contained file. The code itself is TypeScript.
Run this file with Deno, for installation see: https://deno.land/
Copy and Paste sample into a new TS file, name it: webhook_test.ts
Install Deno, see: https://deno.land/
Supply, api_key, username and password (line 9, 10 & 11)
Start ngrok, see: https://ngrok.com/download
Supply ngrok, https url (line 17)
Run this code: deno run --allow-net webhook_test.ts
Check the output
Deno - Typescript sample to use webhook
// Af10 REST/API test script
// How to: Start ngrok, see belown, add needed info, start this script
// deno run --allow-net webhook_test.ts
import { soxa } from 'https://deno.land/x/soxa/mod.ts';
import { listenAndServe, ServerRequest } from "https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts";
// Needed for authentication
const api_key: string = '<your api_key>'
const username: string = '<username>';
const password: string = '<password>';
let url = 'https://www.autoflex10.dev/autoflex/servoy-service/velocity/webservice_v2'
// 1: Start ngrok, 2: paste ngrok URL on let callback = '...' 3: run script
// ngrok http --region eu 8855
let callback = 'https://<your_ngrok_id>.eu.ngrok.io'
// Token for Af10 REST/API
let token = await getToken();
// Call GET /authenticate, with parameters
async function getToken() {
const config = {
params: {
console.log('GET /authenticate');
const result = await soxa.get(`${url}/authenticate`, config);
if (result.status == 200) {
if (result.data?.token) {
return result.data?.token;
// Call POST /backup/owner, with the required params
async function postOwnerBackup() {
console.log('POST /backup/owner');
soxa.post(`${url}/backup/owner`, { webhook_url: callback }, {
headers: {
}).then(async (res) => {
if (res.status === 202) { // 202, request not yet finished
const options = { port: 8855 };
listenAndServe(options, async (req: ServerRequest) => {
const secret = req.url.split('=')[1];
console.log(`Callback received with secret-id: ${secret}`);
//Start server to get the callback
if (res.data.successCode == 202) {
console.log('Waiting for webhook call...');
}).catch((err) => {
console.log('error:', err)
// Call GET /webhook with secret
async function getSecret(secret: string) {
const result = await soxa.get(`${url}/webhook`, {
headers: {
}, params: { id: secret }
if (result.status === 200) {
if (result.data?.data?.url)
console.log(`The secret url: ${result.data?.data?.url}`);
// Start this show!
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