Getting started

Getting started

How to begin testing with the Autoflex 10 REST/API

Step 1:  Request an API_KEY

You will need to have an api_key to start using our API, to request one:

  • Send an email to developer@autoflex.nl with your request.

  • Please specify why you want to have access to our REST/API

Step 2: Open our Swagger Tool page

After obtaining an api_key, you can use the API, the best way to start is using our open API inteface:





  1. Start a browser

  2. https://openapi.autoflex10.vip/

  3. Supply api_key

  4. All the endpoint you have access to are shown

  1. Open te /authenticate endpoint

  2. Click 'Try out'

  3. Supply

    1. api_key

    2. username

    3. password

  4. Click 'Execute'

  1. If all parameters are correct

  2. The result will include token,
    this is the important part

  3. Copy token into clipboard CTRL-C
    Only the UUID value between the quotes

  1. Scroll to top of the Swagger page

  2. Click 'Authorize 🔒'

  3. Paste the token into 'Value:'

  4. Click 'Authorize'

  5. Click 'Close'

  1. The Swagger tool is ready to use

  1. Start coding, or test our API with other tools like Postman of Insomnia.



Other tools

Besides the Swagger tool other tools can be used to test the REST/API

  1. plain simple CURL

  2. Postman: https://www.postman.com/

  3. Insomnia REST client: https://insomnia.rest/

  4. SoapUI: https://www.soapui.org/

  5. and many other: https://alternativeto.net/software/postman/

Most tools can import the Swagger.json from this URL



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