Error codes
What are the HTTP error codes for the API?
General error codes
Below a list of all the different error codes for the API per VERB
General error codes regarding the API
NL: Algemene foutmeldingen
Reason | HTTP code | Error message |
Internal error, create Jira Issue | 500 | Internal server error |
Query parameter provided more than once | 400 | Invalid request, query parameter is provided more than once: [...] |
Query parameter not supported | 400 | Invalid request, query parameter is not supported: [...] |
Endpoint does not exist (spelling) | 400 | Invalid endpoint: [...] |
Method not supported | 400 | Method: […] not supported for endpoint: […] |
NL: Toevoegen van 1 item
Reason | HTTP code | Error message |
Request body empty | 400 | Empty body |
Request body invalid | 400 | Body is not valid JSON |
Field not in model | 403 | Field: [....] not found in model |
Readonly field | 403 | Field: [....] is readonly do not supply in request |
Required field | 403 | Field: [....] is required and not supplied in request |
Primary ID field supplied | 403 | Field: [....] is primary ID do not supply in request |
Related ID not found | 404 | Field: [....] value: [....] ID not found |
Required element | 403 | Field: [...] minimum 1 element is required in array |
Field value length too long for datatype varchar | 403 | Field: [....] valuelength: [....] too long for datatype: varchar: [....] |
Field value length too long for datatype text | 403 | Field: [....] valuelength: [....] too long for datatype: text: [....] |
Field value has a wrong format for datatype timestamp | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: timestamp(ISO 8601) |
Field value is invalid for datatype float 8 | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: float8 |
Field value is invalid for datatype int4 | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: int4 |
Field value is invalid for datatype varchar | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: varchar |
Field value is invalid for datatype bytea | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: bytea |
Duplicate Unique value | 409 | Field: [....] value: [....] has a duplicate illegal value |
Field not valid according to custom_validation | 403 | Field: [...] has an invalid value: [...] for validation: [...] |
Field date must be after date of other field | 403 | Field: [....] value: [....] date must be after Field: [...] value: [...] |
GET (Single record)
NL: Ophalen van 1 item
Reason | HTTP code | Error message |
Field not in model | 403 | Field: [....] not found in model |
Primary ID field invalid | 403 | Primary ID is invalid |
Primary ID field not found | 404 | Field: [....] value: [....] not found |
No Primary ID provided | 400 | These parameter(s): [... , ...] are required |
NL: Updaten van 1 item
Reason | HTTP code | Error message |
Request body empty | 400 | Empty body |
Request body invalid | 400 | Body is not valid JSON |
Primary ID is not an valid ID | 400 | Primary ID is not an valid ID |
No Primary ID provided | 403 | No Primary ID provided |
Field not in model | 403 | Field: [....] not found in model |
Readonly field | 403 | Field: [....] is readonly do not supply in request |
Required field | 403 | Field: [....] is required and not supplied in request |
Required field is empty | 403 | Field: [....] is required and cannot be empty |
Related ID not found | 404 | Field: [....] value: [....] ID not found |
Required element | 403 | Field: [...] minimum 1 element is required in array |
Primairy id field not found in data | 404 | Field: [....] value: [....] not found |
Field value length too long for datatype varchar | 403 | Field: [....] valuelength: [....] too long for datatype: varchar: [....] |
Field value length too long for datatype text | 403 | Field: [....] valuelength: [....] too long for datatype: text: [....] |
Field value has a wrong format for datatype timestamp | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: timestamp(ISO 8601) |
Field value is invalid for datatype float 8 | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: float8 |
Field value is invalid for datatype int4 | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: int4 |
Field value is invalid for datatype varchar | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: varchar |
Field not valid according to custom_validation | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for validation: [....] |
Duplicate Unique value | 409 | Field: [....] Value: [....] has a duplicate illegal value |
System record | 409 | This is a system record, fields cannot be changed |
Blocked record | 409 | This is a blocked record, fields cannot be changed, only update: is_blocked |
Archived record | 409 | This is an archived record, fields cannot be changed, only update: is_archived |
Field value cannot be updated | 409 | Cannot update [....] |
GET (multiple records)
NL: Opvragen van meerdere items
Reason | HTTP code | Error message |
No required parameters | 400 | These parameter(s): [... , ...] are required |
Field not in model | 403 | Field: [....] not found in model |
Query parameter not supported | 400 | Invalid request, query parameter is not supported: [...] |
Parameter Page must be greater than 0 | 400 | Parameter invalid [page] value must be greater than 0 |
NL: Verwijderen van 1 item
Reason | HTTP code | Error message |
Primary ID is not an valid ID | 400 | Primary ID is not an valid ID |
No Primary ID provided | 403 | No Primary ID provided |
Primary id field not found in data | 404 | Field: [....] value: [....] not found |
Related ID in use at ... | 406 | Field: [....] in use at: [....] |
Record is a system record, cannot be deleted | 409 | This is a system-record, record cannot be deleted |
Specific error messages per endpoint
Reason | HTTP code | Error message |
GET /authenticate |
Not logged in | 401 | Not authorized |
Logged out, token is invalid | 401 | Not authorized |
external user can not login to autoflex_cloud and new app | 403 | An external user cannot login, contact the autoflex servicedesk |
Gebruiker heeft geen emailadres | 400 | Geen emailadres bekend voor [userid] ' + bodyObject['userid'] |
Gebruiker heeft een ongelding emailadres | 403 | Field: [emailaddress] value: [....] not valid |
GET /authenticate/acces |
Not logged in | 401 | Not authorized |
Logged out, token is invalid | 401 | Not authorized |
GET /authenticate/component |
Not logged in | 401 | Not authorized |
Logged out, token is invalid | 401 | Not authorized |
GET /authenticate/logout |
Not logged in | 401 | Not authorized |
Logged out, token is invalid | 200 | Not authorized |
GET /authenticate/modules |
Not logged in | 401 | Not authorized |
Logged out, token is invalid | 401 | Not authorized |
GET /authenticate/fingerprint |
Not logged in | 401 | Missing authorization |
Logged out, token is invalid | 401 | Not authorized |
POST /authenticate/forgotpassword |
Not logged in | 401 | Token invalid |
Logged out, token is invalid | 401 | Token invalid |
GET /document/info |
Document not available | 403 | No external document found |
POST/PUT/DELETE /orderline |
Record can not be updated, because of status parent | 409 | [...] is [...], cannot add/update/delete |
Record can not be updated, because of status | 409 | [...] is [...], cannot add/update/delete |
GET /contact/checkaddress |
Postcode not in format 1234 AB | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for validation: [....] |
Postcode empty, CountryId empty | 403 | Field: [...] is required and not supplied in request |
Huisnummer is no number | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for datatype: int4 |
Length larger than 10 for fields: Postcode, Huisnummer, toevoeging | 403 | Field: [...] valuelength: [...] too long for type ... (...) |
Country id no valid value custumvalidation | 403 | Field: [....] has an invalid value: [....] for validation: [....] |
POST /vehicleroleline |
One vehicle can only have one owner | 403 | Vehicleroleline is invalid a Vehicle can only have one owner |
POST /contactcommunication |
is_prefered_email meer dan 1 keer voor type email | 409 | Field: [is_prefered_email] value: [1] has a duplicate illegal value |
is_prefered_email heeft waarde 1 voor niet type email (=4) | 409 | Field: [is_prefered_email] value: [1] is not alowed |
DELETE /vehicle |
Published vehicle cannot be deleted, stop publishing first | 403 | Vehicle with id: [...] has publish status: published delete not allowed |
PUT /vehicle |
Required field license_plate updaten via formatlicenseplate | 409 | The change of the licenseplate is not allowed via put, use /updatelicenseplate. |
GET /empoyee/email |
No username in the request | 406 | Value username missing. |
PUT /vehicle/publishstart |
Not all required fields are filled in | 403 | Field: [tax_kind] value: [null] is required vehicle not published |
Vehicle site is nog filled in | 403 | Vehicleadvertisementsite is required, vehicle not published |
GET /vehicle/publishstart |
Not all required fields are filled in | 403 | Field: [tax_kind] value: [null] is required vehicle not published |
Vehicle site is nog filled in | 403 | Vehicleadvertisementsite is required, vehicle not published |
POST/PUT /flatrateline |
article_id + quantity gevuld en geen turnovergroup_id gevuld | 403 | Field: [turnover_group_id] is required and not supplied in request |
article_id gevuld en is_manual_input = 1 | 403 | Field: [is_manual_input] has an invalid value [1] |
is_no_article_price = 1 en geen article_id gevuld | 403 | Field: [is_no_article_price] has an invalid value [1] |
is_no_article_price = 1 en geen price of price = 0 | 403 | Field: [price] is required and not supplied in request | Field: [price] has an invalid value [0] |
article_number gevuld zonder is_manual_input en zonder article_id | 403 | Field: [article_id] is required and not supplied in request |
article_numer en article_id gevuld en is_manual_input = 1 | 403 | Field: [is_manual_input] has an invalid value [1] |
sort_order verkeerde waarde (bestaat al) | 403 | Field: [sort_order] has an invalid value [...] |
article_id gevuld en geen article_number gevuld | 403 | Field: [article_number] is required and not supplied in request |
article_number gevuld maar hoort niet bij article_id | 403 | Field: [article_number] has an invalid value [...] |
unit_type is gevuld, article_kind niet | 403 | Field: [article_kind] is required and not supplied in request |
article_kind is gevuld unit_type niet | 403 | Field: [unit_type] is required and not supplied in request |
GET model/{name} |
Response body invalid | 400 | Body is not valid JSON |
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