/vehicleoption & /vehicleoptiongroup
How does the vehicle options work, what is the relation between options and optiongroup?
The vehicle options are grouped into optionsgroups
Optiongroup - optiegroep instellingen |
The optiongroup settings can be found at: Instellingen → Beheer → Optie groepen |
The options are then connected to the optiongroup
Options - Optie/Accessoire |
The Optie settings can be found at: Instellingen → Beheer → Optie/Assesoire
Options can then be selected from the vehicle
Vehicle options - Voertuig opties |
Vehicle options can be found at: Voertuig → Opties
The endpoint Vehicleoptiongroup returns all the available groups for the current client
Sample return body in JSON format
"nextpage": false,
"data": [
"code": "GEREEDSCHAP",
"description": "Gereedschap",
"vehicle_option_group_id": "0FF04EDD-3FE8-43F9-9B22-E987385DF654"
"code": "VEILIGHEID",
"description": "Veiligheid",
"vehicle_option_group_id": "1BD5CA4A-7618-428B-9AB2-526D53BF7148"
"code": "INTERIEUR",
"description": "Interieur",
"vehicle_option_group_id": "207BA1D3-F8CF-42FA-A88A-DA89974A2309"
"code": "STYLING",
"description": "Styling",
"vehicle_option_group_id": "5C9174F2-B54E-4BE5-9398-ED0C9393FFEE"
The Vehicleoption endpoint returns the selected options for the passed vehicle.
First get a vehicle ID using the /Vehicle endpoint
Sample return body in JSON format
"nextpage": false,
"data": [
"vehicle_options": null,
"vehicle_option_group": "Optiepakketten"
"vehicle_options": [
"is_selected": false,
"price": null,
"vehicle_option_type": null,
"description": "Boordcomputer",
"vehicle_option_id": "49EFAC7A-AADC-4943-87C7-F8F411757C0A"
"vehicle_option_group": "Interieur"
"vehicle_options": [
"is_selected": true,
"price": null,
"vehicle_option_type": null,
"description": "Alcantara bekleding",
"vehicle_option_id": "4FF0C5A9-6E0D-4292-B4DC-6337BBE871D5"
"vehicle_option_group": "Styling"
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